A wide variety of substances may cause allergic reactions in some people.Allergy testing is the procedure used to determine which particular substances (allergens) are responsible for provoking an allergic reaction...
read more >>Antenatal Shared care is recommended to prevent potential problems during pregnancy. Your antenatal care doctor checks the health of the woman and baby to determine if extra care is needed...
read more >>Blood pressure is the pressure in your arteries and veins as your heart beats. High blood pressure can lead to serious long-term health problems, and low blood pressure can lead to fainting and shock...
read more >>The Immunise Australia Program is funded by the Australian Government, aiming to increase childhood immunisation rates. Childhood immunisations are free for Australian residents...
read more >>Cryotherapy is a type of treatment that uses extreme cold to treat skin conditions. For example, cryotherapy can be used to freeze warts, moles, small skin cancers, and other skin problems to remove them...
read more >>Delaying the start of your family is a big step and it is one that takes more than a simple confirmation that you are going to put off having children. Our doctor will take you through the Family planning process for planning your family at the right time.
When a GP checks your state of health, it is called a health check. There are many types of health checks, e.g. sexual health checks or diabetes health checks, and different health checks...
read more >>We carries Cervical Cancer Vaccines, Flu Vaccines and Whooping Cough Vaccines. Our doctors are committed to providing effective and high quality preventive health care...
A medication review is when a doctor checks whether there is a need to change your medication regimen, and that you understand how to take the medications...
Liquid nitrogen is available at the surgery to treat skin conditions such as warts and solar or seborrhoeic keratoses and our skilled Practice Nurses in wound care and dress wounds and ulcers.
Cervical Screening are screening tests for HPV, which can cause cervical cancer. Cervical Screening find early changes in the cervix, which is why routine Cervical Screening are recommended...
Wondering if you are pregnant? Pregnancy tests are accurate most of the times and they are very easy and affordable ways to tell you whether you are pregnant or not.
The skin cancer check is a visual check of the spots on your skin. Your GP look at each mole with a dermatoscope to check for cancer...
read more >>Incidence of infectious disease is often higher while travelling overseas than in Australia, so seeking travel advice from your GP before you leave can prove valuable...
read more >>The WorkCover scheme was introduced by the NSW government to ensure the health and safety of employees. Under WorkCover, all employers need to comply with...
read more >>A Dietitian can help with managing a wide range of conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases, food allergies and intolerances, disordered eating ...