Your feedback is important to us. Your compliment, suggestion or complaint will provide the Doctors with opportunity to review and improve their services to you. The Doctors and the staff at Redfern Station Medical Centre are committed to excellent customer service and continuous improvement.
If you have a compliment for one of the Doctors or staff, we will make sure we pass your feedback on.
If you have a compliment, suggestion or complaint about the medical centre, we request that you provide the feedback in written form.
This can be submitted to reception staff in the medical centre or placed inside our Suggestion box in reception (feedback forms are provided).
Alternatively, you can email your feedback to the medical centre
Attention: Practice Manager/Assistant Practice Manager
Please include any relevant details in the feedback including who is the feedback about, date and time.
You can remain anonymous but please include your name and best contact details if you would like a response.
All feedback will be acknowledged on receipt using the provided preferred contact details usually within 2-3 business days.
The Medical Centre will attempt to provide a response to the feedback within 30 days.
If you are dissatisfied with our handling of a complaint or the outcome, you may contact the Health Care Complaints Commission to discuss your complaint further: